Marketing consulting services

Marketing Strategy

Design tailored strategies that align with your business goals

Digital Experience

Elevate your digital presence to drive engagement

Marketing Technology

Find the right technology solutions that enable effective and efficient delivery

Analytics & Insights

Turn data into insights, empowering your business decisions

Content Strategies

Engage your audiences with targeted, relevant messaging that grows your reach

Digital Marketing

Maximize the impact of your promotions through precise targeting and engagement

Why verosidi?

  • How much should I invest in marketing?
  • Did I choose the right marketing platform?
  • Could this data be accurate?

We understand these challenges intimately. We’ve been in your shoes, and these are the questions that kept us up at night. This is why we formed verosidi LLC.

Verosidi provides marketing consulting and outsourcing, empowering you to focus on what really matters—your core business. Our services span marketing strategy, digital experience, analytics, marketing technology, and content.

Our process

Our momentum methodology

At verosidi, our Momentum Methodology™ is all about making sure marketing strategies and services are developed and delivered with a clear and critical linkage to strategy and business objectives. Every step, from planning to execution and performance management, is interconnected to drive success. Here’s how we do it:

  • Strategic Planning: We start by laying a solid foundation that aligns your business objectives with effective engagement strategies.
  • Integration and Alignment: Next, we connect your technology with these strategies to ensure everything works together seamlessly.
  • Marketing Investments: We prioritize investments to make sure every dollar spent maximizes impact and efficiency.
  • Executions: Finally, we activate programs and channels that build on each other, tying activities to measurable outcomes.

Our approach changes how you engage with your audience, making every marketing investment and activation more impactful and in line with your business goals. At verosidi, we follow this transformation roadmap to ensure that every marketing effort is not just an isolated activity but a part of a larger, strategic momentum towards success.

Our Team

Wayne Snyder

Wayne Snyder

Principal Consultant

Analytics | Marketing Performance Management | Business Intelligence | Data Ops & Integrations | ML/AI

Cory Reed

Cory Reed

Principal Consultant

Marketing Strategy |
Digital Experience |
Marketing Technology | Digital Marketing | Leadership

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